A week to put behind me...
23 APRIL 2022
Andrew Bluett-Duncan

This week has been one of those challenging and rather trying weeks that I'd really rather forget. I was meant to be going away for a few days, but that fell through, for one reason or another. We've interviewed three people in the last few weeks and offered roles to two candidates, who for very good reasons, have chosen not to take up the offers. I've been working on my "Why" with a friend, and we've made significant progress, but still not quite there and I'm impatient, so that's a frustration, and to cap it all today I looked down at my left hand to notice that my wedding ring had disappeared, which in the normal run of things, had Babette been around, would have been sad but resolvable. But with her gone, it's taken on a proportion that it probably doesn't deserve!
So yes a really shitty week one way or another...or was it?
Well, last Saturdays email produced some interesting responses (and quite a lot of sales...thank you) about my hifi comments from blokes (of course!), and Matt (a customer) wrote to me to tell me that my emails worked, and what wonderful service he'd got on visiting the Cobham shop a few weeks ago. He also made some other very touching comments which warmed the cockles of heart. So perhaps it hasn't been so bad after all, if I think about it. But when I'm just feeling it, the negative feel is still a bit overpowering!!!
So I am sorry but that's the limit of my creativity for this week. I hope to be inhabiting a "much better space" by next Saturday morning....no guarantees, but I shall do my best!
I'm intending to have a better weekend than I have had a week, and I wish you a pleasant and peaceful one, as well.
Kind regards,
Andrew Bluett-Duncan Director
To reply or not to reply… inadequate words may try to stop me but suffice to say, Julia couldn’t have put it better with her last paragraph. (Thank you Julia!!) Your emails hit my inbox and I always read them. I am a total Art of Living fan and recently purchased a much longed for Magimix because of your mailing. You all do a wonderful job. I think you are very brave and my heart often goes out to you. I was widowed 8 years ago and the anniversary hit last weekend and I was floored… completely floored….surely I should be fine by now??? 🤔…. The truth is somewhat different. I totally sympathise and we really are rooting for you and your friends and family. Have a good weekend.
I am sorry you have had such a rough week, Andrew. Your emails cheer me up every Friday so I hope that a response from me will do the same for you, a little. I so much appreciate the service I have received from your (Internet) shop. Being unable to get about much, online shopping has been the norm here for a long time and finding your specialist shop was and is a complete joy. I love cookware shops and really missed being able to visit them.
I haven’t forgotten that you shipped an order to me just before Christmas so that it reached me in time for the big day. That was so kind of you. I am gradually acquiring more of your wonderful Demeyere cookware, which I love, and your speed of despatch is always a pleasure. The depth of knowledge on the website is incredibly helpful and I know to come to you for any kitchen needs.
We all are allowed “blips,” and a friend of mine once said that “grief hits out of a clear blue sky.” We can only stop when that happens, do what we have to do and then carry on again. Know that you have many friends who are with you.
Sounds as though this is the week I should drop a quick line to you Andrew, you don’t know me, but Babette’s kindness sending flour to Windsor at the start of lockdown and a couple of to and fro emails, ensured you are my go-to for kitchen gear, I feel a certain loyalty.
Now then, your Saturday emails are always welcomed, just the right tone of informative and authentic, and like I’m sure many other recipients I feel proud of your baby steps, you have a voice and an audience beyond your vision who are rooting for you and your kids. Blips are allowed. Take care x