Cole And Mason Pepper and Salt Mills Oslo

SKU: SP23673
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This sleek and modern set from Cole and Mason is sure to add style to any kitchen. The precision mechanism helps your mills to last as they are made from materials that won't erode over time. The pepper mill’s carbon steel mechanism strips the peppercorns rather than crushing them for a more intense flavour. The salt mill has an extremely sharp ceramic mechanism ensuring the rocks are swiftly turned into a fine powder. With the adjustable grind settings the mills allow you to choose the course setting, the more the salt or pepper is ground the more surface area of your food it will cover and the flavour will be more intense.

If you’re having to regularly replace your mills then here are our tips for trying to get the most out of your mill:

Keep your mills as far away from your hob as possible, steam can moisten the salt in your mill and result in the mechanism getting blocked.

Avoid grinding your salt directly from the mill into your pan as the steam will slowly moisten the salt granules. We suggest grinding the salt into your hand or a ramakin first and then adding it to your pan.

Use big grains of rock salt, avoid using salt sheets as the mill will struggle to break them down and the sheets will often slip through the mechanism, and sea salt may be too wet or too small.

It is best to avoid organic peppercorns as they can be sticky.

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