Andrew Bluett-Duncan

Babette's Plaque / Stone.

27 November 2021

Andrew Bluett-Duncan


Well we've been invading your "Inbox" every day this week, so I'm not going to do the same thing, other than this, obviously, is also cluttering it up. So I thought I'd just let you know that Babette's Stone / Plaque is now in place over her buried ashes, in St Marys Church churchyard*, Chart Lane, Reigate. 

We thought for quite some time before settling on the inscription. But once said out loud by, I think, Jeranne, we all agreed that this was more than anything, the maxim by which she lived her life. Even when she discovered she had cancer the first time, in 2012, her reaction was to try to understand why she had cancer. From her discoveries, the belief grew that the cancer was there as a warning, to her, that she needed to change things in her life. This she did and started to  look after herslf better. And indeed this worked for over 6 years. So, to her, cancer  was, as she often said, a friend, an early warning system!

So "Everything that happens to us in life, is good". 

I trust you have pleasant and peaceful weekend despite the onslaught of emails that will inevitably come flying hither and thither.

Kind regards


*Directions. Walk towards the church main entrsance and just before it there's a path leading off, left into the graveyard, and over against the far hedge there's a wooden bench (the one I mentioned a few emails back where some of the local youths meet to drink, smoke and generally enjoy themselves). As you walk toward the bench her stone is over to the right roughtl half way to it.


  • tsSLAuePMay 06, 2023


  • (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/May 06, 2023


  • Natalie WoodDec 05, 2021

    I have only just found out this news about Babette but as your emails tailed off I feared the worst. So sorry for your loss. It is hard not to think of the pain and anguish but Babette was lovely and I am sure you have heaps of happy memories that will be of comfort to you. Thinking of you all. I don’t expect that there is anything I can do to help but if there is, please don’t hesitate to ask. Natalie

  • Anne MeasuresDec 02, 2021

    Babette showed us the purpose of life in the way she was in her being and her epitaph is the reminder to us all of this fact. Love to all the family and friends

  • JosephineDec 01, 2021

    Inspiration to us all, what a wonderful woman she was.
    You must all be very proud of her. Be happy for her sake, she would have wanted that.

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