Black Friday - Ocean from Overseas

This weekend I'm away(in Ghent) so my email is by necessity going to be brief. Another time I may regale you with the ins and out of why a non-traveller like myself would want to subject myself to such an ordeal....travelling to the continent, just to be suitably entertained, eat delicious food, drink great coffee(plus the obligatory sticky bun*) and good wine....! Well put like that its sounds quite appealing ....if by chance I end up enjoying myself I'll let you know. In the meanwhile my chums at Le Creuset have come up with another way of me spending my ill gotten gains with them. It’s a small cast iron range called Ocean which I would describe as a grey blue green colour. It has just three pieces and it's not part of the normal Le Creuset Cast iron colours. However I think it's rather beautiful.
So the three pieces available are :
- Round Casserole 26cm RRP £300 reduced to £179
- Oval Casserole 31cm RRP £330 reduced to £199
- Frying Pan 26cm metal handle RRP £145 reduced to £89.90
They are the "Classic" design which means the knob (where applicable) on the top is Phenolic (Bakelite) rather than stainless steel and the carrying handles are smaller than the current models. That apart, they are made to the same spec. The prices are exceptionally good as you can see. And to tempt you part with your money you can use code OCEAN11 to get a further 11% off these prices for this weekend only.
Ok that’s it for this week.
I trust you have a pleasant and peaceful weekend.
Kind regards,
Andrew Bluett-Duncan
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