Le Creuset Ink, Mark Carney and Cocktails

The other day I was listening to Mark Carney (Governor of the Bank of England 2013-2020) being interviewed by Rory Stewart and Alistair Campbell. One point in particular resonated with me, which was his observation about people finding themselves in the wrong job.
And then, earlier this week, I was having a conversation with a friend who was worried about his partner, who was doing a job she didn’t like but felt somehow bound to do… tied up with money and status, he felt. And, of course, both of those can be very powerful motivators that can lead us, sadly and unhappily, down the “wrong” path.
So, when Mark Carney was talking about people he’d met in different walks of life, who were doing jobs they felt they ought to do, rather than jobs they actually would love to do, and how ultimately they became deeply unhappy, I found myself nodding in agreement on the one hand, and at the same time realising just how difficult it is, to choose a role that gives us deep satisfaction, over one that gives us money and status.
Some time ago I remember being very proud of Jonathan (my eldest) who turned down a job that was much better paid than his current role, because, for various reasons, he felt it wasn’t right for him. This was the right decision in my view. Chase rewarding job satisfaction, good relationships and not the money.
There’s a slightly oblique parallel for me, when many years ago I took a three month break from the business and almost overnight I felt a bit lost and purposeless. The business continued to run without me…(outrageous) and I eventually realised that I was becoming quite depressed.
Thanks to a discussion with Paul the other day, I now realise that in my case it wasn’t the status that had changed, I was still the MD, it was, instead, the role itself that I missed. The everyday decisions that were missing from my life. The role of leadership, of giving limits, encouragement, training and helping that I missed.
In summary it shows me that although, in fact, I do get something out of the status of being the Art of Living MD, it was the job satisfaction that made me happy, not the status of my position.
But for many, being tied to a job they dislike but feel they have little choice because it pays the huge mortgage, school fees and maintains a high living standard, is a trap that leaves the individual deeply unsatisfied, and by default, unhappy (and that state can be highly damaging to many around them). But status is a powerful draw and giving it up is, at best, difficult to do, and at worst, it’s something we convince ourselves is impossible.

Once upon a time
Once upon a time, in a land not very far away at all in fact, the good people at Le Creuset, in Fresnoy-le-Grand (Northern France) thought long and hard and decided that they needed yet another blue to add to their burgeoning collection of blues.
Ink was the result of their deliberations and a really quite lovely colour it was, too. I say was, because they subsequently discontinued it some years ago, which was a shame as it was a really good inky blue.
Le Creuset Ink Offer
So, when George, our account manager offered us 4 pieces on a limited run, and at pretty special prices, it was an offer that was really too good to miss.
So here, for your delectation is a
Round Casserole 22cm (3.3L Serves 3-4),
Round Casserole 26cm (5.3L Serves 5-6),
Shallow Casserole 30cm (3.5L Serves 4-6),
Oval Casserole 27cm (4.1L Serves 4-6).
And all at truly fab prices!

Speaking ignorantly.
Ok, so from something that I know lot about, to something that I don’t. It struck me that we’ve got four or five cocktail shakers in the range, the uses of which completely pass me by, but they do sell, and I’m told cocktails are “in”.
So, as you will have gathered, I don’t drink cocktails and am therefore coming from a position of complete ignorance, but statistically it’s quite likely that you do.
So here is what I can tell you about them.
We sell more cocktail shakers in the run up to Christmas, than at any other time year. There are four models that I’m mentioning today, one of which is in a set. So maybe I’ll start there.
Barcraft Cocktail Shaker Set 3 Piece Stainless Steel.
Some months ago, I had a very welcome visit, for lunch, from Matthew Canwell (ex Lakeland) and now the MD of Lifetime brands, (still known here as Kitchencraft) and it’s his company that provides me with three out of my four examples.
This one is a boxed set, of a mid-sized Shaker, accompanied by a Hawthorne Strainer and a Double Ended Jigger. If you’re into cocktails, then you’ll know what a Hawthorne Strainer is and what to do with it. Ditto the Double Ended Jigger.
Its nicely boxed, so will make a good present as well, and is yours for £39.50.
Bar Originale Recipe Cocktail Shaker
This is an invention of one of my chums (Paul Spencer), and whilst having very limited interest in the product, to me, it seems quite a clever and an original take on a cocktail shaker.
It has an outer stainless steel sleeve that will turn through 360 degrees, and depending on the alignment, it will give you recipes/measures for eight different cocktails such as a Daiquiri, a Margarita, an Espresso Martini, and Negroni, to name four of them.
There’s a silicone seal on the lid and it’ll cost you £25.00.
Kitchencraft Boston Cocktail Shaker
This a little different, in that the body is made from a thick and quite heavy glass, so man enough to withstand ice cubes being shaken in it. This one also has recipes printed on it.
It’s topped off with a stainless steel lid and again a silicone seal. £19.95
Barcraft Ribbed Cocktail shaker
An elegant design of stainless steel cocktail shaker with a subtle ribbed effect. With a 500ml capacity, I imagine it does the job well, and certainly looks the part.
Probably my favourite visually. £29.95
In the unlikely event that my rather lack lustre and largely ignorant prose has tempted you to buy one of them, please use code CS20 to get 20% off if you’re buying online, or just tell us who you are if in Cobham or Reigate shops.
Ok, so that’s it for this week, but I will leave you with a “feeling”...
Earlier this week I was discussing romantic relationships with a friend and the subject was “intellect versus feelings”. She passed the following passage onto me from a column in the Times called “Dear Dolly”.
We need to feel first and do the thinking later. If you think too much when you’re early on in something, it doesn’t allow you to be present in the relationship and gauge whether it might have a future. Once you establish whether this is a person who makes you feel safe, sexy, happy, understood, supported and celebrated through challenging times as well as good times, then you can start thinking about the practicalities of a life spent together.
I thought it was rather touching and had more than a grain of truth in it. A sort of fuck the intellectual side and instead feel what you’re feeling.
I trust you have a pleasant and peaceful weekend.
Kind regards
Andrew Bluett-Duncan
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