Well I Never Knew That! And Robert Welch Offers

Josie (my youngest) and I went to Guildford last Thursday, to celebrate her birthday which entailed lunch and a visit to a shoe shop or two.
On the way back there was a piece of dual carriageway, upon which, I put my foot down, and, within a couple of seconds we were doing the maximum speed allowed. I commented to her that this car went like “shit off a shovel”. This casual remark seemed to puzzle her and it turns out that “shit off a shovel” is not in the modern lexicon, which I feel is a rather a shame.
Anyway, I had to admit that when she asked me, why is “shit off a shovel” an indicator of speed I didn’t know the answer. As a railway enthusiast, some would say that I should hang my head in shame. Be that as it may, the Urban Dictionary came to my rescue and a delicious definition followed….
“In the days when trains had a driver and a fireman to load coal and it was necessary to answer a call of nature, you would shit on the coal shovel and then throw it in the fire as quick as possible, as the shovel had coal dust on it, the shit did not stick.
Interestingly the same shovel could be cleaned with steam and could be used to cook (the driver and fireman’s breakfast of) bacon and eggs”.
So, there you have it, or at least someone’s version of events, and I suppose that the closest thing we’ve got to a fireman’s shovel, would probably be one of Netherton’s excellent iron frying pans.
But being a sensitive and thoughtful sort of bloke, I thought I’d not try to sell you cookware today, so instead I’ve got a really good offer for you on Robert Welch knife sets.
Robert Welch
These knives, made in Taiwan, with German Solingen Steel and finished here in the UK, are remarkable value, I think. The quality is up there with the likes of Henckels, Wusthof or Global, for example, but the prices are highly competitive, and if the smallish rounded handles suit you (as they do me, their 6” Chefs knife is my first choice when reaching for a general purpose chefs knife) then they are well worth considering.
So, there are three sets on offer this weekend.
Robert Welch Signature Essentials 2 Piece Knife Set. £114 to £84
Robert Welch Signature Prism Oak Knife Block Set. £325 to £245
Robert Welch Signature Book Oak Knife Block. £325 to £245
Ok, so that’s it for this week.
But just before I go, this quote caught my eye the other day…
Grudges get heavier the longer they are carried. P.K. Thomajan.
Great observation, wish I’d thought of it.
I trust you have a pleasant and peaceful weekend
Kind regards
Andrew Bluett-Duncan
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