Kitchenaid Offers and the Impressionists

Thanks to you…
Firstly, I’d like to thank you if you were one of a number of people who went into Canakin (the coffee shop in Reigate High Street) that I recommended a couple of weeks ago. One for mentioning the email and secondly, I feel bound to report that I benefited handsomely out of it. And this was because Lee (the owner) saw fit to thank me for the recommendation and popped across with a box full of his delicious cakes (as seen below).
There’s a part of me that thinks I should be sharing these with you, but on tasting them, my conscience, it seems, evaporated…..! Not an attractive characteristic admittedly, but as my children w ill tell you, never get in the way of Dad and a sticky bun.

The National Gallery
Speaking of which, Allison, a friend of mine, some time ago suggested that we go to the National Gallery, as I was keen on seeing some more Impressionist paintings, having had my appetite wetted by our visit to The Tate Modern earlier this year. When we got through the door, she suggested a coffee to begin with, which I was very happy to agree to. It’s a long, long time since I’ve visited any galleries (other than the Tate) and they’ve obviously cottoned on that people need feeding and actually want good food and good coffee. We went down to the quaintly named Muriel’s Kitchen where we happily found both. And my “sticky bun” came in the form of a beautifully baked individual Pecan Tart. Washed down with good coffee and conversation, this was an excellent start to the visit. The gallery itself has a wide selection of paintings, many of them though from much earlier periods than the impressionists. These I’m afraid, leave me rather cold, or at least with the feeling that they should stay there, in a gallery, which somehow seemed to be the right place for them. Whereas the impressionist paintings were smaller, friendlier; ones that I’d be happy to have decorating my walls at home. So much of the Impressionist and Post Impressionist paintings were ones I felt very much at home with, and in particular the works by Renoir, Monet, and Pissarro.
There’s no doubt about it, that in this country, we are incredibly fortunate to have access to these masters of their craft, and all largely for free. Quite incredible really and a great day out!
KitchenAid Black Stand Mixer
So, onto product and specifically a tasty KitchenAid offer. In a moment of over enthusiasm earlier this year, I bought in a few too many of a very good offer from our friends at Beam, who are the UK distributor for KitchenAid, and they were flogging the KitchenAid Stand Mixer 125 Onyx Black RRP £499, to enable us to sell at £349. So, my offer to you this week is to buy the stand mixer for £329 and get a free KitchenAid glass bowl (RRP £99), currently at £85. I don’t know if it’s worth pointing out the total full retail of these two is £598, because in reality they rarely sell at anything like their full price. One thing I’m fairly certain of, is that this combination is the cheapest on the internet by some significant margin.
Just use code KAAPL23 when ordering the stand mixer, and we will include the glass bowl with your order. Tell us who you are if coming into Cobham or Reigate
So, £329 for stand mixer and a KitchenAid Glass Bowl, is a bit of a bargain!
That’s it for this week. I’ll leave Albert Einstein with last word.
“The only reason for time, is so that everything doesn't happen at once.”
A characteristically unusual observation….?
I hope you have a pleasant and peaceful weekend.
Andrew Bluett-Duncan
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